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Dylan helped him into the back of the plane while Mark settled in the cockpit.His tension lifted slightly as he took in the familiar surroundings.Turning on the engines, Mark guided the plane down the runway and took off smoothly into the air.His troubles were forgotten.

Frank sat sullenly in the back.Dylan glanced at him.Mark is The cargo section went uncomfortably silent.For a moment there was no reply.Then with a sickening voice, someone spoke back.W-what are you doing?! What do you want?! I told you I'd make you pay.A glance at his radar though, and his heart nearly stopped beating.

Mark only had an instant to register the black plane out his left window before a bullet struck his aircraft and hit him in the stomach.Mark didn't the breath to cry out as he crumpled over in agony.Warning dings from the plane penetrated the silence and the pilot realized the plane was losing pressure.

With shaking hands, he decreased the altitude to keep from being suffocated.Frank felt the pressure in his ears and the shakiness of the plane.Mark summoned all of his strength.Anyone come in! Dylan glanced out of the window behind him.His eyes took in the black plane.

Jaques was back.How 'bout I heat things up a bit?His radar picked up the deadly projectile speeding towards him.His response wasn't quick enough.The whole aircraft shuddered violently as it's nose pointed earthward.The passengers' faces were now as white as Mark's.I'm sorry about everything too.

The wild land below sped to greet them.It was a savagely beautiful sight.Dark green pine trees carpeted the lower elevations on the hills before thinning out higher up.Snowcaps on the mountaintops were beautiful in contrast with the sky.Beneath them a crystal clear river flowed, the water fast moving and deep.

The shore was covered with small rocks.Mark did his best to aim the nose of his nearly unresponsive plane towards the middle of the lake.The whole plane was shaking, groaning in a last dying breath.The force of impact was harder than either of them were expecting.

The noise was deafening.Frank's head slammed against the seat knocking him out.Water shattered the cockpit's windows rushing in in a torrent and filling it almost before Mark realized they had made impact.He too passed out.A yell was torn out of Dylan's mouth as his ears rung with the loudness that left him dazed.

Pieces of the wreckage floated towards his seat as the water level increased.Dylan numbly unbuckled his seat-belt.His arm hung lifelessly by his side.He was too shocked to feel any pain.Frank moaned as freezing cold ice water lapped at his knees.Dylan shook him again.

Grab a seat cushion and get out of here! He grabbed the spongy item and shuffled to the exit, not taking note that the waters around him had turned a deep shade of red.He sloshed his way to the cockpit that was now underwater.His probing fingers found what he was looking for.

The softness of Mark's shirt.Feeling around, Dylan found Mark's seat-belt.He was suddenly aware of the fact that he couldn't see.The water had turned red.Blood red.Yanking the harness off he grabbed Mark's shirt and dragged him out of his seat.By this time his lungs were about to burst from lack of air.

He frantically swam out of the plane with Mark's limp body and gulped in a huge breath of the crisp mountain air.Dylan could see Frank struggling against the current but his first priority was Mark.Hauling him onto shore he felt for a pulse.There was none.Scrambling back into the water he dragged Frank onto the rocky shoreline.

My arm's broken.I can't.Frank drug himself over to Mark and tried to pump life back into his friend.Mark suddenly came to life and his eyes opened.He coughed and sputtered.Dylan propped him into a sitting position with his good arm as the pilot began to expel all the lake water in his lungs.

He was shivering from head to toe.Dylan breathed a sigh of relief.If I don't get a fire going we'll all freeze to death.Frank, watch him please.Frank rubbed Mark's back.It means you don't have hypothermia.It was then that the both of them noticed all the blood.His fingers went to his abdomen where the blood had stained his shirt red.

Now that the initial rush was over and the adrenaline gone, the pain was making an appearance in full force.Frank's already pale face went a shade whiter.What's done is done.It is my fault! Let's just forget about it ok?Come on, I want you to rub your legs and arms.We need to get the blood moving.

A head popped above the surface of the water.Dylan swam his way back two his companions, lugging a limp brown bag.When it didn't turn on immediately he slapped it against his palm.A cheery yellow glow turned on, slightly brightening the darkening land.Mark blinked as Dylan examined his pupils.

Oh my Lay him down.Dylan peeled Mark's shirt off and gulped.The bullet wound was oozing blood at an alarming rate.All Dylan could think about was the pain in the eyes of his friend.Frank squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him.Dylan rummaged around his flight bag and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey and his knife.

We'll have to tie him up.Frank tore it into strips and tied it around Mark's wrists.The pilot was shaking in the utmost of fear.I am so so sorry.I think we're ready.Mark pulled on the cloth trying his wrists to a tree.Please please stop! You will die if we don't! Now please!

He needs to drink some.Frank held the glass to Mark's blue lips.The pilot took a sip and Frank pulled the bottle away.It's getting dark.Come on! Mark needs you! Reluctantly, Frank turned back to Mark.Mark's whole body went rigid with pain.He squeezed his eyes shut and tried desperately not to cry out.

A muffled moan escaped his lips.It was almost too much for Frank to bear.Before he lost the remaining portion of his courage, he switched his mind to autopilot and went in with the knife.He writhed and desperately tried to get away from the source of the pain.Please hold still!

Frank bit his lip so hard that it began to bleed but he payed no attention.His eyes squinted as he worked, probing in the bullet wound trying to find the small metal bit that was going to kill Mark.The pilot's cries of pain continued to echo around the forest.Sweat was pouring down his face.

The next minute ticked by like hours.He wiped them away as they were blurring his vision.He continued to work as Mark shifted beneath him.O-oh please stop! His numb fingers couldn't use the small tool and Frank sighed in frustration.Dylan pour some of that alcohol onto my hand.

Dylan did as asked and Frank groped around the wound trying to get the bullet out.Mark nearly passed out.Finally Frank held up the blood-covered metal chunk.We have got to get this bleeding under control.His eyes were closed.Frank lifted Mark's head onto his lap.

The pilot uttered not a word.I-I am so sorry! Dylan knelt beside the pitiful two and handed Frank some duck-tape and a roll of gauze.I'm going to get some firewood.Frank bit off a section of tape with his teeth and placed it firmly against Mark's stomach.The half-conscious pilot shuddered but refrained from crying out.

Frank shifted Mark into a better position and began to tightly wrap the gauze around Mark.When he was done he cradled Mark as best he could.The paleness of his body alarmed Frank.Mark's fingers moved to Frank's hand and he weakly grasped at it, trying to use it for an anchor.

His breath came in short choppy gasps and each was nearly a sobbing moan.Frank could tell he was in a severe amount of pain.He rocked the pilot back and forth slowly.Mark didn't respond.After what seemed like hours, Dylan returned.He stumbled over to Frank and Mark, numb with exhaustion.

I'll get Mark to the cave.Here, I got this for you.Frank gently laid Mark's head onto the blanket and took hold of it.He managed to maneuver himself onto a standing position but tripped on his numb feet and landed on his bad knee on the rocks.Oh Dylan Dylan winced.

Let me help you up.New plan.I'll get you to the cave and you can start a fire while I get Mark.The younger man hauled Frank to his feet and supported most of his weight as the two staggered towards Dylan's find.Each jolt sent shockwaves of intense pain up Frank's leg but he refused to cry out.

Finally they reached the cave.He rummaged around in the flight bag and found some flint and steel which he proceeded to strike.A cheery flash slightly penetrated the darkness before dissipating.Frank sighed his frustration and tried again.He kicked out angrily with his good leg.A few minutes later, Dylan was back.

Laying Mark's limp body near the firewood he inspected Frank's work or lack there of.Frank opened it and found the needed item a few minutes later.His fingers clumsily opened it spilling out a few of the small red-tipped sticks.Finally he managed to grasp one and strike it against the box.A small flame rose up and Frank dropped it.

Luckily it landed in the stick pile.The flame licked at the fuel and grew larger.Blowing on it gently, the fire increased in volume.Dylan held out his hands to capture the warmth, the flames nearly touching his fingertips.Frank simply nodded.I'll splint up my arm after I get Mark into these dry clothes.

His stitches had busted and his leg below the knee was stained with both dried and fresh blood.Frank winced.Use it sparingly.Frank took a deep breath and tensed up before splashing a little of the amber liquid onto his knee.He wasn't prepared for the pain that resulted.Need some help?

Trying to splint up one's own arm is quite the challenge.The movement had caused his wound to bleed again as heavy as ever.Frank glanced around.His gaze rested on the fire and he began to tremble.Dylan noticed.Frank only cried harder.Dylan stood up and put his arm around his friend.

We can't have Mark die.I-I'll do it but y-you've gotta hold him down.Can you do that?Mustering up his last ounce of courage, Frank nodded.Chapter 3: Frank inched closer to Mark.The pilot's breathing was ragged and his pulse was sluggish.Mark's eyes fluttered open.I need you to listen to me.

I know you've been through a lot I know you're strong.You've got that British spunk and you are a soldier.We are trained to be tough.I've gotta admit, you are much braver and stronger than I could ever be.You've got to fight now.I know it's hard I would trade places with you in an instant.

But I can't.We're all in this together.We survived because of that and we are here today.You've got to fight like that now.Don't give in.You're a soldier.You have a battle to win.Finally he let out his breath slowly.Dylan walked over and unbuckled his belt.The pilot's eyes closed as he tried to mentally prepare himself for what was coming.

Dylan picked up the knife as Frank used his weight to hold Mark down.He couldn't look his friend in the eyes.Dylan took a shaky breath.He tried to think of something, anything other than what he was about to do.Gritting his teeth, he lowered the hot metal blade of the knife to Mark's stomach.

Mark's reaction was like a whiplash.He jerked, his whole body shuddering.Frank nearly lost his grip.O-oh s-stop! His fingers gripped at the dirt beneath him as his screams penetrated the night air.His groans of agony branded themselves into Frank's mind and would forever haunt him.

Briefly, Mark's eyes rested on his friend.Their eyes met.In that instant, Frank relayed a message Mark needed so desperately at that moment.He didn't intend to, but the turmoil in Frank's blue eyes somehow got through to Mark and changed him from absolute blinding panic to grim determination.Dylan tried in vain to distance his mind from the writhing body under his hands.

Mark's body suddenly went limp as he mercifully lost consciousness.Frank loosened his grasp on Mark's arms and broke down completely.Only a minute later, Dylan removed the knife.His face was deathly pale.Frank continued sobbing helplessly, his arms around his friend.Dylan returned a minute later, breathing heavily.

Dylan reached down and pulled his friend to his feet.He knew Frank needed some space but he was concerned about his friend's safety.Frank didn't answer as he continued his painful trek through the woods.His anger spilled over as he reached the shore they had been at earlier.

Grabbing a handful of pebbles he them them into the fast-moving waters of the river.Oh God why have you done this?! The longer Frank sat by the river the calmer he became.His anger subsided, soothed by the rippling liquid at his feet.His rage had turned into sobs that racked his body for many minutes.

Finally he wiped his eyes and glanced at the quiet beauty around him.There was a full moon that night, it's white light reflecting on the water like silver diamonds.The faint sound of crickets could be heard above the gurgling river and the small rocks felt cool beneath Frank's hands.

He sifted his fingers idly through them.His hand brushed against something odd.His cellphone! Frank nearly pushed the button to turn it on before he remembered this battery had been nearly out before the flight and the water would have probably destroyed it.Better let it dry out and have slightly better odds in case he only had one chance.

Pocketing it, Frank stumbled clumsily to his feet and began his trek back to the campsite.Dylan sat by Mark, his eyes resting worriedly on his unconscious friend.Mark's sweat-soaked head lay on his lap and Dylan brushed the locks of brown hair of his face.Even in the yellow flickering of the firelight it was easy to tell that the pilot's complexion was very very sickly.

Dylan lay a hand on Mark's shoulder.It was so feeble and faint he could hardly detect it.Dylan sighed and sent up another silent prayer in his friend's behalf.Mark's condition was so fragile.His life was hanging by a thread.Dylan hardly dared to move though his foot had long since fallen asleep.

A rustling in the bushes to his right and Dylan's gaze snapped to the dark woods.Still unconscious.I'm just glad you're back.No need to apologize.Dylan's eyes locked onto the beacon of hope offered to him.Did you get a hold of anyone?! He could barely muster the strength to draw it in.

Dylan gulped, panicking.Mark wake up! Please buddy! Calm down.I-Is he still breathing?This is his fight.All we can do is be there for him no matter what happens.I-I already lied to him.What if I never get to apologize?If-if he dies the last thing I will have done to him is hurt him!

A soft groan escaped from Mark's lips.He shifted slightly, much to his friend's amazement.Buddy can you hear me?Mark's eyes fluttered halfway open.He gazed into the worried eyes of Frank above his head.Mark blinked but didn't answer.There's a can of soup in the flight bag.Ration it well.We don't know how long we'll be out here.

He opened it with some difficulty and set it on a rock close to the fire to warm up.Back at the Silver Springs Hospital, Barbara hurried down the hall to where the girls were chatting merrily at the front desk.Barbara's appearance paused their happy conversation.Kelsey thought a moment.I'm sure they're fine though.

I do know that Dad's battery on his phone was almost out just before the flight.Frank never remembers to charge his phone! Barbara's worried expression deepened.The airport they were supposed to be landing at was attacked! Please tell me you're joking! Oh no! Sandra put her arm around her friend's shaking shoulders.

We need to pray for them.Using two sticks he carefully moved the metal can from the heat of the fire.It didn't take long to cool enough for consumption in the frosty air and Frank dipped the metal spoon into the steaming soup.Lifting Mark's head slightly he put the spoon to his lips.

Mark turned his head away slightly in protest.Frank was able to get several more spoonfuls into him before Mark was done.Slowly, Mark's eyes closed once more and his head lolled to the side.He pressed the plastic rim to Mark's mouth and the pilot drank greedily.Frank let him have all he wanted and one fourth of the water in the container disappeared by the time Mark was through.

Frank grinned a bit.Get some rest ok buddy?Dylan yawned.It's going to be a long day tomorrow.We'd better get some sleep.His eyes closed and he was asleep almost immediately.Frank leaned back against the cold, hard rock and watched the bright orange flames idly, Mark's head still resting on his lap.

The minutes ticked by slowly.The constant dance of the fire slowly lulled Frank into a doze and his head slumped forward as his tiredness increased.He was awoken some hours later by Mark's gasp for air.Immediately Frank was on alert.You ok?The pilot pulled in another hard-earned breath of air and stared up at Frank.

In the flickering of the dying fire Frank could see the fear and pain in his eyes.Frank tousled the pilot's hair and for once, Mark did not resist the normally irritating gesture.We're all worried about you.We'll all get out of here.You'll see.T-take Dylan and l-leave me.

I-I'll be alright.W-won't make it anyway.You know as well as I do.Only two of us will ever be leaving this place.Don't worry about me.I can see the stars It's the only place I belong anyway.I'll fall asleep and e-everything will be ok.No more pain, no more worry.I'll see you again one day and we'll both be together again in a much better place.

Frank was sobbing by now.Stop talking like that! Unbeknownst to Frank, his body was already begging to show signs of infection that, if untreated, would certainly be fatal.It's better this way.G-gotta promise I've never left a man behind and I will not start now.Chapter 4: Fading Hope The bright yellow sun peeped slowly over the trees, no longer hiding it's brightness from the exhausted three that had been sleeping in the early morning light.

Frank awoke slowly, still half dreaming.For one glorious instant he could see his lovely wife Hilde running along the beach chasing after a giggling three-year-old Kelsey who was tightly clutching a stone in her fist.The image faded as Mark stirred.Dewdrops sparkled on the green blades of grass around the remains of the campfire.

The yellow flames had long since passed away, leaving only gray and black ashes in it's wake.Small trails of smoke still lazily drifted on the faint wind.Dylan's body moved from under the dark green blanket.It fell off of him as he sat up and yawned.His face was still deathly pale and covered in sweat.

Frank lay a hand on his head and gulped.He's got an infection.Don't take them off.We can't risk it.If he starts bleeding again We need to get out of here now.Come on, I'll help you up.Dylan managed to get the feverish pilot to drink a few sips of water.He seemed a bit stronger despite the infection raging within him.

With an unbelievable surge of effort, Mark was lifted onto his feet and leaning against Dylan heavily for support.His face was pinched with pain but he said nothing, his shaking limbs giving evidence to how bad he was really feeling was the only other clue.Frank shook his head in amazement at the pilot's grit as he struggled to his feet, using the numerous trees to help steady himself as he began to follow Mark and Dylan towards an unknown destination.

The trio pressed onward for nearly half an hour before Mark finally collapsed in a heap with exhaustion, gripping his stomach and groaning in agony.Frank nearly fell himself as he sat down on a fallen log.He was in a lot of pain himself as his knee had been protesting at the movement since they had started.

Dylan wiped the sweat from Mark's head and tried to comfort the pilot.Frank glanced at his throbbing knee as Dylan tried to get Mark to drink some more water.His makeshift bandage had long since ceased it's grip and blood was once again soaking his pants.Frank grit his teeth and tried to turn so that Dylan and Mark couldn't see it.

A sharp crack of a breaking branch jolted Dylan's attention to the forest.Barbara paced the floor of the hospital for what had to have been the thousandth time that morning.All night she had lain in sleepless torment, checking her phone several times a minute for any sign of the missing pilots.

Morning leant her no relief to her rising anxiety.Kelsey too had been nearly beside herself with worry.Sandra's efforts to comfort her had little effect.I'm sorry.I-I just Kelsey's eyes brightened.I'll get the phone book.Hastily scrolling through the list she finally found what she was looking for.

Dialing the number she waited impatiently for someone to pick up.Finally someone's voice answered.Kelsey put a finger to her lips as she tried to concentrate on what the voice on the other end of the phone was saying.After a few minutes she hang up.The only thing is I don't have that kind of money.

I mean I have it but not in cash.He'll only take cash.Maybe we could scrounge enough together! How lucky that she happened to call me! We'll just forget that plan A failed.I want you with the second helicopter.Follow my lead.You know I want Mark nearly as much as you do.

We'd better hurry.Our three unsuspecting maidens will be arriving shortly.His eyes scanned the terrain but he could see nothing.He could hear Mark's slightly labored breathing beside him as the woods became silent one more.Dylan jumped as a head and then a body emerged through a bush.

It was a woman's features, Long black hair cascaded past slim shoulders.She was thin and a faded dress covered her body.Her feet were bare of shoes and socks and her dark brown eyes darted curiously between the three helpless men.The woman's eyes locked onto his.

They sparkled with curiosity yet they held a hint of caution as well.Her hands were outstretched in a non threatening gesture as she slowly made her way towards Frank.Back up! The woman paused.Her voice carried an accent that was native to the trio but not harsh.The woman looked over their injuries and her gaze rested the longest on Mark.

They both held an unspoken question.Finally Frank sighed.Maybe they'll have a phone.Help me up please.He wobbled unsteadily but remained upright.The woman assisted in helping Mark rise.His head slumped forwards and he staggered after the lady leaning on Dylan.

Together they trekked further into the never-ending forest.Fourteen thousand five hundred We're just going to have to hope he'll have mercy on us.Let's head to the airfield.I'll drive.We'll get that helicopter.Beyond were small huts.Gray smoke drifted lazily out of the roofs of each and a few citizens dressed in ragged garb were milling around and occupied with various tasks.

It was almost like stepping back in time.A small corral enclosed several fine looking horses and a couple of mangy dogs stared at the newcomers in slight distrust.Shafi led them into one of the medium sized huts.The interior was dim and several beds were strewn throughout.Onto these Frank and Mark were gestured to.

Several more women stepped into the deerskin covered opening and stared at the trio in surprise.Shafi calmed them down, speaking quickly in their native language and they were soon smiling at the lost travelers.Mark received the most attention.Shafi pointed to the bandages and talked rapidly.

Mark was too sick to pay much attention to the foreign words flying back and forth over his head.Someone lay a cool cloth on his forehead and a set of firm hands pressed his shoulders to the bed.Frank relished in the comfort of the soft mattress he was laying on after his hard night on the ground.

He felt the warmth of someone's body above him and opened his eyes.Her dark brown hair was waist length and neatly combed.Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.Frank nodded and the girl set to work trying to remove the tape.Frank cringed but refrained from crying out.Mark's screams of anguish echoed around the building and Frank jolted upright.

The girl attending him pushed him back down.Frank shook his head.You're hurting him! Another groan filled Frank's ears and the chatter increased in pitch as well as speed.Shafi approached Frank, smiling but her eyes were worried.Is he ok?We have seen this before.

He is hot and has no breath.Stomach is swollen.Shafi looked at him blankly.We not speak very good English.Some lost travelers had it.Doesn't work here.Frank sighed.Drink this.Frank stared at the cloudy liquid in slight disgust before gulping it down.To his surprise it tasted fairly good.

Nyra smiled broadly.Help knee.The blood-covered tape lay in a soggy pile.Mark's cries of pain subsided somewhat and Frank relaxed slightly.In no time at all his knee had been sewn up and neatly bandaged.Whatever Nyra had given him worked wonders and he couldn't even feel the cut.

Hobbling over to Mark he sat down on an adjacent bed.Mark's eyes briefly flickered open.His pale face was drenched in feverish sweat.It'll help.I promise! A hot hand on his roused him slightly.Frank took the bowl and held it to Mark's lips while Shafi lifted his head.

He drank a few sips before laying back completely exhausted.Deep breaths.Barbara pulled up at the airport and looked around in disgust.A cool wind whipped around the girls as they stepped out of the car.They both carried themselves with confidence though their eyes held distrust.Both were wearing wrinkled flight suits and loosely tied shoes.

The slightly taller one introduced himself as Jaques.His companion glanced behind the ladies before shifting back to the trio standing before them.I said twenty thousand.Either you give me the twenty thousand or no helicopter for you.He had to play his cards wisely.Finally he kicked at the dirt, sending a small dust cloud into the air.

I don't believe we can do business after all.She pulled the envelope out of her purse and with shaking hands, offered it to Jaques.Carpet Bag A roomy bag featuring a single large compartment and double handles.Originally made from carpet.Case watches Also known as the watch case, this is the metal housing that contains the internal parts of a watch.

Stainless steel is the most typical metal used.Cemented Construction A shoe construction in which the upper of a shoe is cemented, rather than stitched, to the sole of the shoe.Cement construction results in a lighter, more flexible shoe.Chronograph A multifunction watch with a stopwatch Tachymeter function.

Most have two or three sub-dials for measuring minutes and hours.Chukka Boot A boot style with laces, usually with a plain toe, and is the height of the ankle.Circumference The measurement around the shaft of a boot taken at the widest part near the top of the boot shaft.Clog A footwear style featuring a closed toe, open back and a platform sole traditionally fashioned from wood.

Cloverleaf Lapel The collar and lapel have rounded edges where they meet, resembling clover leaves.Club Collar A men's shirt collar with rounded ends.Clutch Handbag A narrow, handheld bag with no strap.Collar A strip of material stitched to the opening of a shoe or the topline.The collar can be padded for extra comfort.

Collar with Revers A collar that turns back from the neckline and resembles a lapel.Combination Last A footwear last in which the heel is two sizes smaller in width than the widest part of the shoe, producing a shoe with a narrow heel and a wide toebox.Compression Shorts Form-fitting shorts that are worn by athletes to promote blood flow and prevent muscle strain and fatigue during activity.

Often made from a spandex material.Contoured Footbed An insole that molds to the shape of the foot.Convertible Handbag Features a wrist or shoulder strap that may be removed or hidden.Cordovan Leather from a horse's posterior.When tanned it becomes a rich black cherry color; so it has evolved into common usage as a color name.

Corn A small, hard formation usually found on the toe.A corn is usually the result of continuous friction or pressure in one place.Corrected Grain Leather A type of leather that has been buffed to remove any blemishes, then covered with an artificial grain using finishes such as pigments, embossing, antiquing, buffing, waxing, waterproofing, etc.

Counter A stiff piece of material placed at the heel of a shoe between the lining and upper in order to retain the shape of the shoe.Country Club Relax and enjoy yourself in elegant style.Like a cool summer breeze, our collection of Country Club brands will help you unwind.At the beach or on a cruise, you will find what you are looking for in resort and casual wear here.

Similar to a loosely draped turtleneck.Cowl Neckline A loosely draped circular neckline that resembles a draped hood.Crepe Rubber A crude natural rubber with a crinkled texture, used in shoe soles.Crescent Handbag A half-moon shaped bag, often with a top zipper and single shoulder strap.

Crew Neck Round, banded neckline that fits close to the base of the neck.Commonly seen on sweaters and T-shirts.Crown Also known as the winding crown or winder.The knob of an analog watch used to set the time.Crystal This is the transparent cover that protects the face of the watch.The three most popular crystal types are acrylic, mineral and sapphire.

Curing The application of chemicals to animal hides in preparation for the tanning process.Cushioning Padding on the insole or outsole of a shoe for added comfort and stabilization.D'Orsay A style of pump featuring one or both sides cut-out.Demi Boot A style of boot whose shaft is generally no taller than the anklebone.

Dial The surface of the watch located under the hands usually containing the numbers and markers.Differential A running shoe term.May also be used in cross-training and hiking footwear.Describes the difference between the heel height midsole and outsole and forefoot height midsole and outsole of a shoe.

Also called: Distressed Leather This is another term used for antiqued leather.Dolman Sleeve A sleeve with a large armhole and extends from the bodice to a narrow cuff.Also called a "batwing sleeve.Drawstring Neckline A neckline that is accented with drawstrings.Dressing The application of polish or gloss to a shoe to maintain its finish and appearance.

Duffel Bag An unstructured, spacious bag featuring a top zipper and two handles.Originally designed for military use.Durabrush Durabrush is made of synthetic suede and micro-fiber materials to create a smooth, soft upper.Duty Shoe A health care professional or service industry shoe.

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate A synthetic compound used for outsoles.Elastane An elastic fabric made from segmented polyurethane that adds stretch.It's stronger and more durable than rubber.Similar to spandex.Embossed Leather A design that is imprinted onto leather and often simulated exotic skin - i.

May also be a random pattern.Envelope Handbag A slim, envelop shaped handbag.May be a clutch or have a handle or strap.Envelope Neckline A straight or slightly curved neckline that has fabric crossing from the back and over the shoulder making the neckline look like an envelope.

Epaulet A buttoned tab that sits on the shoulder of a garment.Espadrille A shoe or sandal style that has a woven rope or similar material covering the wedge or sole.Eyelet A hole through which a lace is threaded; may be reinforced with a metal ring or grommet.Feed Bag A roomy bag with a single shoulder strap and drawstring closure.

Derived from the style of bag typically used to feed horses and cattle.Fiberboard A material made primarily of wood pulp which is used for counters, insoles and heel lifts.Finish The process by which the final appearance of a shoe is created.The finish can include the application of polish to create a high-gloss finish, or a contrasting polish to create a rub-off finish like "antiquing".

Finishing Room The area of a shoe factory where the shoe is finished, including the removal of the last, insertion of the insole, completion of the outsole and final application of polish.Fishmouth Lapel A lapel on a blazer that resembles a fish mouth.A fishmouth lapel has a rounded collar edge with a pointed lapel.

Fishtail Hem An asymmetrical hem that looks reminiscent of a fish's tail.There are a few variations, but usually the skirt tapers past the knee and then flares out at the bottom leaving more material at the back.Flap Pocket A pocket with an outer flap overlay.Flat Foot A condition in which the arch of the foot is collapsed and the entire foot rests on the ground.

Fold Over Clasp This type of watch clasp utilizes a hinge to fold over itself and is locked into place using a pressure tab.Fold Over Clasp with Push Button This type of watch clasp utilizes a hinge to fold over itself and is locked into place using a pressure tab.For added security the clasp can only be released by depressing a push button.

Fold Over Clasp with Safety This type of watch clasp utilizes a hinge to fold over itself and is locked into place using a pressure tab.For additional security a safety flap is closed over the end of the clasp.Footbed Another term for insole.Forefoot The area of foot between the ball and the toes.

Foxing A strip of rubber joining the upper and sole of a shoe.Typically found on canvas sneakers.French Cuff A turned back cuff on a dress shirt with holes to allow cufflinks to be worn.Frill Collar A neckline that is edged with ruffles.Frill Sleeve A ruffled short sleeve.Full Grain Leather The most genuine type of leather which has not been altered beyond removing hair.

This type of leather retains all of the leather's natural texture and markings.Funnel Neckline A neckline that surrounds the neck and extends to the top of the neckline.Gait An individual's style of walking.Galoshes Waterproof typically rubber overshoes or boots meant to protect the foot and footwear from inclement weather.

Ghillie Pronounced "gil-ee", this is a style of footwear in which the laces pass through fabric or leather rings or loops attached to the front opening of the shoe, rather than eyelets.Girth The circumference of a shoe last measured around the ball of the foot.

Glazed Leather Using Aniline-dyed leather, this type of leather is polished to a high luster by passing through greatly-pressured glass or steel rollers to create a smooth and shiny finish.Glove Leather A very soft leather such as lambskin which is typically used for gloves.Goatskin Leather made from the hide of a goat.

Gold Filled A layer of gold pressure-bonded to another metal.Not to be confused with "gold plated" , Gold filled jewelry is more valuable and tarnish resistant than the latter.It will not rub off, tarnish or turn colors like some gold plated jewelry might over time.

Gold filled jewelry is made from solid gold and filled with other alloys such as rhodium a member of the platinum family , brass, and sterling silver.Sterling silver covered with another metal cannot be called vermeil.Gold-Plated A base metal usually copper with a thin layer of gold on the surface.

Goodyear Welt A shoe construction in which the upper and sole of the shoe are stitched together, resulting in greater durability.The resulting seam is visible and runs around the outside of the shoe, where the upper and outsole meet.Gore An elastic panel stitched into either side of a shoe's vamp in order to make it more comfortable and easier to put on and take off.

Grain The inherent surface pattern of leather, differentiated by the animal from which it came.To determine the GSM for such fabrics, you first multiply the length by the width in meters to get the square meter.Then take the weight of the item in grams and divide it by your square meter.

Like standard thread count, the higher your GSM number is, the softer and more plush the item is.Gun Flap A hanging flap on the right-front shoulder of a trench coat.Hacking Pockets Angled flap pockets on the sides of a suit jacket or blazer.These were angled to make it easier to reach for items while riding on horseback.

Halter Neck A garment that wraps around the neck, leaving the shoulders and back bare.Hammertoe A condition in which the toe is bent in a claw-like position, occurring most frequently in the second through fifth toes.Hammertoes are usually caused by an imbalance of muscle tissue, but can also be aggravated by arthritis and poorly-fitting shoes.

Handkerchief Hem A bottom hem on a dress or a skirt that has draped points resembling a handkerchief.Heel "Heel" can refer to both the rear, padded area of the underside of the foot, as well as the solid part of a shoe that supports the heel cup.The standard measure for heel heights is as follows: Types of shoe heels include: Built Heel - Created from layers of leather or fiber with contrasting tones.

Continental - A higher heel with a slightly curved back and flat front.Cuban - A thick, stacked heel with little or no curvature and tapered at the bottom; usually medium in height.Stacked - Similar to the built heel but typically can be created from synthetic and leather materials.

Often found on spectator shoes.Wedge - A heel of any height that is as wide as the shoe itself and follows the shoes contour from toe to heel.Heel Breast The forward-facing side of the heel.Heel Height Heel height is measured on a vertical line at the breast of the heel, and goes from the bottom surface of the sole where it meets the heel to the floor.

Heel Seat The part of the shoe directly below where the heel of the foot rests, and where the sole and the heel are joined together.Heel Spurs Soft deposits of calcium that grow on the "plantar fascia", a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, and are typically very painful.

Henley Neckline A scoop neckline with a button-front placket.Hidden Gore An elastic panel at the front of a shoe that is covered by the shoe's tongue and provides added comfort.Hide The skin of a large animal that is treated, tanned or finished for use in boots , shoes , handbags , and clothing.

High-Low Hem A bottom hem on a garment that is cut short in the from and longer in the back.Hobo Handbag A roomy, unstructured, rounded bag, typically with a single top zipper and shoulder strap.One piece has small hooks, to attach to the other piece which has 2 loops.Horseshoe Neckline A neckline that is cut in the shape of a horseshoe.

Also referred to as a "U-Neck.Imitation Leather Any synthetic material made to look like leather.If you need industrial footwear, you will find it here.They are frequently caused by improper nail trimming, but also by shoe pressure, injury, fungus infection, heredity, and poor foot structure.

Injection Molded Construction A type of sole unit construction created by injecting melted PVC or a similar material into the sole mold.Injection molded construction is an efficient way to mass-produce footwear.Inseam The hidden seam of a welted shoe holding together the welt, upper, lining, and insole.

Also, in clothing it is the seam that binds the length of the inner pant leg.Inset A fabric panel or garment piece that is sewed into a garment.Insole A lining that runs the full length of the inside of the shoe.Instep The upper, center section of the foot, between the toes and ankle.

Jabot A neckline that features a cascading ruffle in the front.Jewelry Clasp Closure Typically seen on women's watches , a jewelry clasp is a latch that snaps closed around a bar.It is released by gently lifting the clasp and unsnapping it from the latch bar.Jodhpur Boots A low-cut boot used primarily for equestrian activities.

May be laced or a twin gore pull-on style.Kangaroo Pocket An A-shaped pocket stitched to the lower-front of a garment commonly seen on hoodies with two holes for hands.Keyhole A decorative cut hole on a garment usually placed close to the neckline.Kidskin A soft, porous leather created from the hide of young goats Kiltie A decorative, fringed tongue over the vamp of a shoe.

Kimono Sleeve A wide sleeve cut in one piece from the front and back of the garment.It is seamed down the outer and underarm like a traditional Japanese kimono.Kipskin Middle-grade leather created from the skins of young cattle that are larger than calves, yet not fully grown.

Laces A strip of material strung through the eyelets of a shoe in order to pull the shoe closed and adjust its girth.Lambskin Leather created from the skin of young sheep.Last A metal, wood or plastic form used to create the shape of a shoe.Lasting The process of pulling and shaping a shoe on a last.

Leather The skin of an animal, typically with the hair removed and tanned for use.Leg Of Mutton Sleeve A sleeve that is puffed or full at the top and gradually tapers towards the cuff.Lift One of the several layers of leather or leather-board used make a heel.Lining The inside material of a shoe.

May be composed of leather, fabric or synthetic material.Lizard Leather made from the skin of a lizard, typically with a specked, grainy appearance.Loafer A slip-on shoe, completely without fasteners.Lug Sole A heavy-tread, rubber sole.Typically it's a synthetic fiber which an aluminum layer has been vaporized.

Mandarin Collar A slender banded collar that has round edges at the front.This collar is reminiscent of collars on Mandarin Chinese robes.Markers Symbols or decorations used in place of numbers on the dial of the watch.Mary Jane The style of shoe with a strap across the instep.

The strap can be attached with elastic or a buckle, making it easy to slip on and off.Metatarsal Bones Five long bones in the foot that help to move the body forward when walking or running.They form the top slope of the foot, from the instep to the toes.Microfiber An extremely fine synthetic fiber that can be woven into textiles with the texture and drape of natural fiber cloth.

Mid-sole The layer of material between outsole and innersole used for reinforcement or cushioning.Minimalist Shoes Running Barefoot is the oldest form of exercise.Minimalist shoes allow for a barefoot-like experience, with some protection from the elements.It is backed to an open cell foam rubber to provide a trimmer fitting lining that still provides warmth to the wearer.

Moccasin A shoe in which the bottom is a single piece of leather, stitched around a last.The vamp is usually attached by whip stitching to the bottom of the shoe so it encloses the foot.Also known as Tru-Moc construction.Mock Turtleneck A high funnel style collar that is lower than the turtleneck and does not turn down.

Modal A bio-based fiber made from the cellulose of beech trees.It's dyeable, resistant to shrinking and fading.Monk Strap A closed shoe, usually a blucher pattern, with a wide strap across the instep that buckles at the side.Also known as a monk strap.Mother-of-Pearl Often used on the dial of watches , this is the material taken from the inside of a mollusk shell which simulates true pearl in appearance.

Motion Control Shoes Motion Control shoes are for runners who generally have a low or flat arch and are moderate to severe overpronators.These shoes employ extra support devices on the medial side to slow excessive pronation and tend to have wider and flatter outsoles.Heavier runners who need extra support and durability may also want Motion Control shoes.

Motion-Control Designs or devices found in athletic shoes that control the inward rolling pronation of the foot.MU size chart Missy Size Waist: Regular 33" , Tall 36" , Petite 28".Muff Handbag A fur-lined handbag meant to be worn over the hands in order to keep them warm.Mule Backless, closed-toe slippers or shoes.

Napa A supple version of sheepskin leather.Nappa A supple version of sheepskin leather.Natural Grain Leather A type of leather which displays the leather's original grain.Neuroma Or Morton's Neuroma A benign, soft tissue mass which forms on the nerve which runs between the metatarsals, in the ball of the foot.

When two metatarsal bones are squeezed together, they pinch the nerve that runs between them.This squeezing together of the metatarsal bones is usually a result of narrow shoes , high-heeled shoes , injury, or a biomechanical defect of the foot such as loose ligaments, pronation, or arches which are too flat or high.

Neutral Cushioning Shoes A Neutral Cushioning shoe is best for runners with a high arch who do not pronate effectively.These shoes do not have medial supports but are more concerned with midsole cushioning.The midsole will provide the extra shock absorption that the lack of pronation is missing.

Along with a runner who does not overpronate, Neutral Cushioned shoes also work well for midfoot and forefoot strikers.Notched Lapel A lapel that has a cut "V" in the lapel creating a notch.Nubuck Lightweight, supple leather used on the upper of the shoe.Buffed to a suede-like appearance.

Office In business you never have a second chance to make a first impression.And you never know when you'll make your next impression.If a professional appearance is your goal this line will help you achieve one.Orthotic An orthopedic insole designed to cushion and stabilize the foot.

Outsole The bottom outer sole of a shoe.Oxford A traditional term describing a low shoe laced or tied over the instep.Paperbag Waistline An extended waistline that stands up or folds down and is scrunched around the waist resembling a paper bag.Park In a single lifetime you only get one pair of feet, so make sure to take care of them.

Comfort, support, quality, our Park collection includes the top names in comfort footwear.Whether you are walking, working, or just on your feet, make sure you are giving them the support they deserve.Patch Pocket A pocket that is basically a sewn outer patch with a top opening.

Commonly used as a chest pocket on dress shirts.Patent Leather A glossy leather that has a shiny appearance.Patent leather is typically created from cattle hide.Patina A luster that develops on quality materials due to natural aging.Peaked Lapel A lapel where the line is broken by upward protruding points.

Peau de soie A soft satin weave of silk or rayon, with a grainy and dull luster.Pebbled Grain An embossed-leather grain finish that resembles a pebble surface.Penny Loafer A slip-on style shoe with a slit over the instep where a penny traditionally was placed for good luck.

Peplum A draped extension from the waistline and drapes around the hips.It is commonly seen as an extension from the waist of the bodice or as an extension from the waistband of a skirt.Perforation A pattern of small holes punched or bored into the trim of a shoe, for the purpose of decoration or ventilation.

Peter Pan Collar A woman's or children's collar that has rounded ends at the front.Phthalate Phthalate is an organic compound commonly used as plasticizer for plastics to increase the softness and flexibility.Research has been conducted to study the effects phthalate has on carcinogenicity, environmental effects and estrogen mimicking.

Pigskin Leather Leather made from the skin of pigs.Pinking Saw-tooth shaped edging applied to the trim of shoes for decoration.Piping A decorative, narrow strip of leather that typically follows the seam of a shoe.

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The water had turned red.I'll splint up my arm after I get Mark into these dry clothes.May be made from leather, fabric or synthetics.Now please! Finally Frank held up the blood-covered metal chunk.Paperbag Waistline An extended waistline that stands up or folds down and is scrunched around the waist resembling a paper bag.


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